Friday, August 30, 2013

Elise's Third Grade Open House

Oh my, how is it that Elise is already a 3rd grader???  When I get my computer back I will post a picture of her going to preschool to see how she is grown.  Or, if you are on Facebook, I probably have pictures there in one of my albums.

Anyway...Today was the general Open House at Parkside Elementary.  We all went to support Elise (me, Jason, Anja, my mom and dad).  We met her teacher, Miss Fitzsimmons ("Miss Fitz") and several kids in her class (one of them we ran into later at the mall and chatted with her some more.  Fun!). 

 In her class there are two girls named Elise, so Elise has to learn to write her name as "Elise R."  Honestly, I thought we might avoid doubling up like that. Oh, well.

Elise put all her things away in her desk, got settled and ready for the first day of school!

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