Wednesday, May 29, 2013


About every three months, Master Mike at Thief River Falls Tae Kwon Do does rank testing.  This is an opportunity for students to show what they know and advance to the next level belt.  The lead-up to rank testing is full of lots of practicing and drilling, and the testing itself is pretty nerve-wracking.  As a reward, and to take a break from the high-intensity preparation for rank testing, in the week or two after rank testing, Master Mike does some fun things with the students, including sparring.  Sparring is where the kids use their kicking and punching techniques on eachother, in a full-padded, supervised situation.

Elise took a break from Tae Kwon Do this session, so did not participate.  Anja was SUPER excited for sparring.  It is pretty cute to watch these little people duke it out.

You can see a video of Anja sparring here:  sparring video.

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